November 08, 2023

We with sore asses

I'm stressing too much now about the lack of income and other things. There's nothing that can be done, but I think it's so wrong that you work for years with very low wages and hours, and then you're punished with no unemployment benefit . If I hadn't made the mistake of agreeing to part-time jobs, I wouldn't be without income now. I spend a lot of money on cats and food. Just yesterday, I noticed that the price of the olive oil I use had suddenly jumped up by several euros. This situation really makes me want to cry.


When the nausea finally subsided, a new symptom struck again. A noise in the head, probably tinnitus. On the first day it was tum tum tum and then a different length of break. I first wondered if there was a work machine nearby, but no. The other day, a much louder full-time roar. Actually, it was already more difficult to hear speech when I have another ear blocked anyway and now I had tinnitus on the side of the hearing ear. So that every time you think about what to comes next... just shit. Fortunately, the tinnitus disappeared after a couple of days. 

Since Sunday, I have had pain in the ass. After all, I've had that pain in the ass every now and then during the last few years, because of supposed endometriosis. But now the pain is constant, and makes it hard to sit and concentrate. I really hope that pain will disappear with the cycle. If it stays, it's not good. In addition, there have been occasional nagging pains on one side of the lower back.


After the last time I complained about it, Olivia stopped vomiting. But yesterday it made diarrhea on the parquet floor in the bedroom. Only the sounds of farting revealed its secret activities. And it really seemed like an intentional act, not an accident or incontinence. Why would a cat poop in the wrong place? I can't think of any other reason than the pain of pooping, that the cat wishes it wouldn't hurt in a new place. Of course, Olivia's bum has to endure a lot when it has to cleaned by humans after every diarrhea, at worst several times a day.

Last week, Tabitha didn't eat for one day. At first I thought it was because of its blocked nose, but it seemed that she just had no appetite at all. She didn't even want to try to smell the food. The next day and after that, Tabitha has had an appetite to make up for that. But she has been throwing up too much for the past few days. Of course, she has been able to get hair out at least a couple of times, but still it is always possible that it could be caused by the worsening of her hyperthyroidism.



That dog food scandal is absolutely terrible. The fact that dogs have died and been euthanized for no reason. I was supposed to order last weekend from Musti and mirri when there was a sale code, but I really didn't do it. It's a bit suspicious to even feed Smaak wet food to cats now.

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