December 14, 2023

I found myself from the internet

It was absolutely shocking to find myself as an author on Goodreads. I've obviously been there unknowingly for a long time. So some years ago I made the mistake of publishing my short stories through Amazon, but I soon removed them from there. How could I have ended up on Goodreads when I didn't put myself there? Well, I found out now that Amazon bought Goodreads already 10 years ago, so that explains why I'm there, because it has to be some automatic thing. And I guess there's no way I can get myself out of there... Someone once claimed that everything you put on the internet stays there forever?


And now I would like to self-publish my writings through Books on Demand, because through them you can get your books to Finnish bookstores and libraries. But the problem is that their website is terrible and there are no answers to my questions. It seems that certain things could only be solved by publishing through them for the first time.

I was supposed to focus on editing my first novel during November, but I didn't get it done. I started to think about my collection of short stories, because I should "test" Books on Demand with something. But even though I removed my short stories from Amazon, they seem to still be hanging on Goodreads, perhaps forever.

So now I was searching my computer for my short stories and other files related to them, such as cover images, but I couldn't find those images. I thought that I must have them because I once published them on Amazon. So this is how I somehow I ended up searching for "myself" on the internet.

One of the big problems with self-publishing is precisely the cover photos, when you have to make them yourself if you want them for free. And I'm definitely not a graphic artist or visually talented. I'm not talented in writing either, but I don't let that stop me.



Nowadays, it's wonderful not to have to depend on publishers. Anyone can publish anything at their own cost or even completely free.

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