December 31, 2023

Movies watched in 2023

Spiral: From the Book of Saw is a really bad movie, starting with the lead actor and Jigsaw's voice. But I had to watch it just to hear the iconic music. The movie also has one of my favorite actors, Samuel L. Jackson. Who is the murderer was clear right from the start because that's how the characters of that actor always are? And especially when the "death" of that character was not shown, and not even his family. Besides, the so-called bad guy was right! And a Saw movie without Tobin Bell is sacrilege. Ps. Saw X already came.. and it has the real and original Jigsaw.

Alice in Borderland (Netflix) is like a copy of Squid Game except Alice came first. A group of young people find themselves in a reality where deadly games are played in which they have to participate. Is there any way out of this new world? I liked this series surprisingly much, there was enough excitement.

Bullet Train (Viaplay) is an action comedy which is my favorite genre of movies. Few action comedies are funny or entertaining, but Bullet Train is plenty. Brad Pitt plays a criminal who goes on a bullet train to do a simple theft task, but in the end there is nothing simple about it. Warning: the movie has a snake in a big role.

Firestarter (2022) is a remake film adaptation of Stephen King's novel, and it commits the worst possible sin: horrific suffering and death of an innocent cat. The problem with remakes is always that they "have" to do things differently than in the original and therefore the plot moves too far from the source material. I don't remember if I've ever seen the first Firestarter movie, but it's (also) been getting bad reviews.


I just happened to notice Ghostface on the home screen of the TV, and had to go back to it quickly. I was surprised that Scream 6 had already appeared on Netflix. I liked the movie surprisingly much. It had a lot of references to previous Screams and other horror movies. I had read the plot description before, but I didn't remember anything about it. Except that one certain character doesn't die. Of course, it was funny that a character named Jason watched a F13 movie.

I started watching Melrose Place on free Pluto TV, which I had thought for years that it would be nice to watch again, I had only seen it once before. Well, first I was disappointed when after the second to last, i.e. sixth season, the first season started, i.e. the last seventh season was completely missing! And then in the first season, at one point, they suddenly jumped forward about four episodes. So it makes no sense if there are episodes missing and not everything is shown. The series itself is quite eventful, at least after the first season. Well, luckily, the last season of MP had also appeared on Pluto later.


In October, I started watching Areena's series The Secrets She Keeps, because it had been featured in the media and I had seen clips of it in the mornings on Yle. At the very beginning I realized that I have watched it before, but I thought only the first episode. But at the end of the first season I realized that I had watched it all. Only the second season was new for me, and I think it was better than the first. I was a bit surprised by the changed appearance of one of the characters, but the actor had been recast for some reason. Downton Abbey's Laura Carmichael stars in this series.

Death on the Nile is one of the few Agatha Christie books that I have read, along with Murder on the Orient Express, and both more than once, albeit decades ago. So I didn't remember who dies here and who is the murderer. But while watching this 2022 movie, I thought that there was definitely no lesbianism in the book. And did five characters die in the book? And I only realized after the movie that Arnie Hammer is in it, if I had known that beforehand I wouldn't have watched the movie. And then I remembered that I had read about it before.

Towards the end of the year, Disney plus was on offer and I then watched 24 from there. I started from the third season now. Last time I watched the second season, but not to the end. I've watched the fifth season the most often, it's where the most shocking things happen and according to general opinion, it's the best season of 24. From the sixth season onwards, I wouldn't really even want to watch. I can't stand it when Curtis dies, it's my jump the shark moment. About Curtis's death, it is said that Curtis is out of character. Chloe is the one who is out of character in the sixth season. Heels and a skirt, that's not the Chloe I know.

I was looking forward to the Netflix reality show Squid Game: The Challenge. At least initially, it received only negative reviews. But in my opinion, the drama build up was on point, except for the completely lame ending. I actually stopped watching when there were just 14 minutes left in the last episode. And I could guess the winner just because the appearance of one competitor had become unrecognizable after the race. And I don't remember ever hating a contestant on any reality show as much as one person on this show. I just hoped that this person wouldn't make it to the final. Fortunately, they didn't make it, even though it was really close.


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