I got my Christmas present when my oldest cat Kali did three big, loose poops on Christmas Eve... and continued to poop and eventually have diarrhea all evening. So it's the classic case again, be careful what you wish for. And swamp there, waddle here, etc. Apparently, even smaller amount of laxative would be enough for Kali. The general guideline for cats is 0.5 ml of PEG per kilogram of body weight every other day.
I should still find an anti-kidney insufficiency agent for Kali quite quickly, preferably one she would take voluntarily. I had ordered Easypill Renal in treat form from Zooplus, but both Kali and Olivia refused to eat it. Why on earth would treats be liked by cats?
I would like to try Ipakitine, which was fine for Olivia, but caused her diarrhea due to the lactose it contains. Another option is liquid Pronefra, of which I had one opened small and two unopened large bottles, all of them expired because Olivia said no. D'oh. I tried Renata, it really didn't work for Kali either and I'm not surprised at all, it smells bad. Surprisingly, Kali has volunteered a couple of times to take WeNefro, mixed with soup-wet food broth. For Olivia, I use Porus One, but I'm not really convinced of its effectiveness when it's so different from other similar substances.
I should also find some (grain-free) and preferably a small kibble kidney dry food that Kali would like. After all, none of them have worked for Olivia since the beginning. And Kali doesn't eat much wet food, so dry food is more important. I have now mixed Animonda Integra protect neral with Orijen kitten, and it has worked well for both.
I feel guilt that Kali's renal insufficiency wasn't detected earlier. I had been thinking for years that it would be good to take blood tests of a senior cat from Kali. Kali went to the vet last year, but no blood tests were taken. Should have realized to ask for them myself.
We'll see when Kali stops eating again. It's scary what happens when the two-week course of Mirataz ends.
Fortunately, Olivia had a better phase when Kali was sick. Earlier, Olivia's situation seemed bad when even Kaopekt no longer seemed to help her diarrhea. But then something strange happened. Olivia was without diarrhea medicine for many days and did not have diarrhea. On the contrary, the longer the diarrhea medicine wasn't given, the firmer the stool was. Honestly, there doesn't seem to be any logic in its diarrhea anymore. Can't understand. But after about a week without diarrhea medication, the completely liquid diarrhea came back again. Even after that, it has been a bit like that Kaopekt helps better when given less frequently.
Olivia should be taken to the vet, but I can't know which local vet would actually do something about it. They should investigate what is causing the diarrhea. And at least one thing that should be done to examine it is to examine its excrement. They should also find out if it has any bacteria. The previous vet didn't examine anything and gave up. A pointless trip to the vet without anything really being examined or really getting any help is the last thing I want in this situation. But when it is known that Olivia has chronic kidney disease and there is also something wrong with her liver, is there any hope that her diarrhea could ever be cured?
Fortunately, I was doing quite well myself when Kali was sick. Earlier in December, I was in bad shape for a week. The pains started from the chin and below it, between the chin and neck. They also spread to the face. Actually, when I held my hand against my cheek for a few seconds, it caused severe pain in my cheek for a long time. Then a horrible inflamed feeling spread over almost the whole body. Then endometriosis pain, joint pain, nausea, neck pain. But what confused me the most was the inflamed feeling under my chin. I can't tell what caused it. There was really no fever, I took my temperature for fun one evening and it was 35.7. Before, I was troubled by "just" bad endometriosis pains, and I didn't even go outside for probably more than a couple of weeks.
And as for that Christmas, it was a rare Christmas-less Christmas, even by my standards. No listening to Christmas carols, I watched my traditional Christmas movie Home Alone 2 for less than half an hour, no board games, not even an elf hat. I bought myself a Casino online lottery as a gift, as I usually buy myself a lottery on my birthday and Christmas. I won 10 euros with a bet of 6 euros, which is not enough to celebrate the New Year!
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